
Aspergers provides consulting services for individuals and companies.

These services include consulting services for adults and teenagers with Aspergers/HFA, parents, partners, other family members, friends, health and educational professionals, colleagues and employers. Services are related to issues at home, school, university, training and educational programmes, and/or workplaces.

I specialise in the complexity of female presentation of autism and the complexities of camouflaging (masking and compensation) for both men and women.

Consulting services for companies include issues related to Aspergers and Human Resource policies and practices, management, dispute resolution, unconscious bias, neuro-diversity and organisational development and organisational cultures.

My office is in Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand. Pre Covid restrictions, I travelled regularly to other parts of New Zealand and Australia for client/company consultations and during Covid restrictions I provided online consultancy services for clients (both organisations and individuals in New Zealand and internationally).

  Individual Clients
Diagnostic assessment opinions - for adults and teenagers, especially women and girls – diagnosis and issues regarding disclosure of diagnosis
Counselling and therapy - for individuals, couples, families, family members - well being and intimate relationships; family dynamics; mood management; sensory management
Career management and planning for individuals and employers - career choices and planning with focus on special interests and employment; career management with focus on working in teams and managing colleagues and managers; examinations, assessment, and performance reviews
Training and treatment programmes – social skills training programmes with specific emphasis on camouflaging/masking using cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), social stories, narrative therapy, internet, role plays, videos, and social media
Advocacy, Dispute Resolution, and Mediation

  Company Clients
HR recruitment, selection, and retention
Organisational culture and change, diversity and unconscious bias issues
Dispute resolution and mediation
Performance reviews
Monitoring and evaluation reviews
Staff development and training